Testimonials and Reviews

Amanda Gilbert, Freelance Illustrator

“Daryl supported me whilst I was completing my BA Illustration degree. In this time I have not only seen the development of Daryl’s signing ability to become a competent signer within the higher education sector but also been impressed with his professionalism and ability to ensure that the needs of the student and the course are being met.

Daryl has shown his ability to translation lectures and course material from English – BSL and vice versa from BSL – English to a high standard. Furthermore, I am confident that Daryl is able to translate both the content and the personality of both Deaf and hearing people when translating or interpreting meetings and lectures.

Finally, he has been able to advocate for my needs and requirements when needed and ensure that the staff/professionals that I have encountered are deaf aware.

Overall, I would personally recommend Daryl as a communication professional to anyone!”

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